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Morning Mist over Forest

Sandbox in the Mists

I had always felt a bit limited by the worlds I created. Their unique rules and eccentricities created a barrier to entry for people I played with. So with some inspiration taken from the Barovian Mists, Mistenwald was created to function as a kinder more fantastical version. A world where other rules, kingdoms, adventures, and even gods could exist alongside each other without having to weave a super tight narrative and world. But of course I couldn't leave it just as a bland sandbox. So I added some good....lets call it connective tissue in the worldbuilding.

(Coming Soon)



World Map


Adventure Idea

"Settling the Village"

A new village is attempting to be settled on the edge of the Kingdom, just inside the mists. The fog has slowly started to subside as the villagers built up more. However, a pack of werewolves have emerged from the forest and have been hunting the villagers. They need help to hold off the creatures.

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